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Both services that caters to my needs are under the HUMAN SERVICE MODEL!

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This refers to problems that are due to interaction between individuals in the environment (Natasha, 2014) .

 Such service delivery aims to enhance one's well-being mainly by teaching problem solving skills

when skills are taught to clients to solve the issues they are facing or the way of life is enhanced, it is under human service




Why is do you M.I.N.D? under human service model? 

  • youths are having a hard time coping due to the interaction they had with the bullies in school. This model mentions how the cause of the needs are due to human interaction in the environment. 

  • This program focuses a lot on problem solving and coping with what has happened to the youth 

  •  Though this program, youths are taught problem solving skills on how to cope and manage their emotions and behavior from the social workers during counselling.

  • Youths are also able to better understand themselves and know why they are feeling a certain way. Once they understand themselves, they will know what to do to prevent such emotions from coming in

  • As a result, youth's daily school life will slowly improve as the crying, thoughts of suicide and self harm problems are resolved through the skills taught to them.

  • Youths will no longer feel sad or badly affected by the bullying in school and thus be able to attend school happily like they used to.  

  • Therefore, M.I.N.D is under human service model as it helps to enhance the school lives of youths by teaching them skills on how to manage themselves better and cope with the issues they are facing. After that, youths will be able to lead a normal life like they used to.  



  • Youths do not feel safe in school due to the bullies as well as not having trusted people to go to.  Therefore, this is service is under human service as the problem is caused by human interaction in school


  •  Project CABIN provides youths a place to go to after school to feel safe as the bullies would not be able to harm them there. Youths can take a breather at such places and seek the necessary help from adults outside of school. 

  •  With a place to go to, it helps to build up the sense of safety as social workers are there to "protect" them from the bullies

  • Social workers present are able to guide them to building up their confidence through one to one conversations while youths engage in the facilities provided. 

Why is Project CABIN and  Sunbeam friends club under human service model? 

  •  Youths gain a sense of safety with the support from social workers in the programme and they know that there is a place for them to visit when they are feeling down. 

  • Youths will start going back to school regularly and pay attention in class as they know that they are able to overcome bullying and there are social workers to help if they require further assistance. Thus, enhancing their life in school as they start to feel less weary  in class.   

  • Similarly, through sunbeam friends club, youths are able to have fun, release stress caused by bullying and not feel scared of bullies since there are social workers on site to ensure their safety. 

  • While playing, they are able to make friends, increasing their social circle, having more support in difficult times. An increase in support and friends results in a greater sense of safety ​(Emily & Kawaci, 2011, as cited in Holden, 2017). 

  • Youths know that there are people out there who will be willing to help them and they have the skills taught by social workers to overcome the fear of bullying in school.  Youths will start feeling more at ease and happier in school. For example, Social workers might share tips on how to focus on in class and stand up for bullying.  They will then feel safe as they have the social worker's skills as well as the newly made friends to support them.

  • This is why such programmes are under human service as skills are provided through interaction with social workers for youths to gain the confidence and sense of safety. As a result, their lives in school will be improved as they no longer fear the bullies and start paying attention and letting loose in class. 

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