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Social Care 


Rehabiliation means that individuals are not able to function like they would due to certain setbacks they experienced in life. This type of service aims to restore one's functional ability and recover from the issue(Vilka, et al, 2009). In this case it is the daily lives of youths that were affected due to the bullying.

Social Care services can be long term or short term, depending on th situation the population faces. Social care mainly focuses on helping clients to meet their needs, especially to those that cannot care for themselves(contact,2020).

drawing of an adult helping a youth struggling with bullying. By Keicia


Why is this service under Rehabilitation?

  • Youths are traumatized due to bullying in schools. Thus, there emotions are badly affected. Not knowing how to cope, their daily routine are affected due to the constant crying, feelings of self blame and sadness as well as suicidal thoughts that occurs after being bullied. 

  • Such reactions to bullying can be disturbing their daily routines like having meals. Therefore, youth's need to recover from this setback and return to their normal self.

  •  Counselling equips youths with the necessary coping skills, allowing them to express themselves and slowly recover from the trauma of being bullied.  For example, youths will understand how to explain the situation without breaking down over and over again. 

  • This programme is under rehabilitation as it helps youths to recover from the emotional distress caused by bullying. This is through support groups and counselling provided by this programme where social workers are there to guide and listen to them. Youths are able to gain emotional support from the counselling to regain their confidence and normal life. 

  • Also, Youths will be able to carry out their daily routines like they used to. Since they know how to cope and manage themselves better, they will be less affected by the bullying and the reactions like crying and self blaming will be managed well. For example, after knowing how to manage their emotions, youths are able to not feel extremely upset over bullying and have their appetite affected. Youths will be able to have their meals as per normal, knowing that they are fine and nothing is wrong with them. 

Drawing of a youth feeling free and happy after counselling. By Keicia. 



After being bullied, Youths feel scared and find it hard to focus in class or sleep at night. They need support from others to regain the confidence and feel assured that they are safe. 

Programmes provided by Singapore Children's Society provides the support youths need during this period of distress

Why is Project CABIN and sunbeam friends club under Social care? 

  • Both services are short term assistance as once youth's are well assured and gained a greater sense of safety, they will stop visiting the center

  •  As bullying occurs in school, parents are mostly unaware. Therefore this is under social care as most youths especially the ones in lower secondary are still not independent enough to care for themselves.  Project CABIN is a place where youths can go to after school to seek assistance especially  when parents are busy and working. 

  • At the center, assistance is provided for the youths to find their sense of safety through various means. This is why this service is under social care as this aims to help youths meet their safety needs by providing physical and emotional support as well as company to youths. 

  • It can be in the form of having casual chats with social workers who are on duty while they play with the facilities available for them.  For example, Social Workers will engage with youths and get to find out more about the situation they are facing. Once identified, social workers are able to be their support during this difficult time, talking to them and giving tips to meet their safety needs. 

  • Similarly, the sunbeam friends club also provides this safe place for youths to have fun without worrying about the bullies. At the same time, they can make friends with other youths in the club to build up their social circle.  


Drawing showing how when one is surrounded by many friends, it gives a safe and happy feeling. By Keicia. 

Through this, they have more people they can talk to. With more friends, they feel surrounded by "good people" and know that they can seek help from them.  Thus,  they gain a greater sense of safety. Once youths feel more confident and safe, they will stop worrying about bullies in school as they know that there are people there for them. Hence youths needs are meet through the help of the social workers in the programme and youths are able to enjoy school without feeling weary about the bullies. 

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