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For our needs as youths who experienced bullying, there are 2 services that are able to help us! 

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drawn by keicia


how to cope with bullying.

TOUCH'S youth intervention service aims to empower youths to reach their emotional and relational well-being (TOUCH, 2020). 

This service focuses on helping youths manage the issues they are facing . 

Under TOUCH's Youth Intervention service (TOUCH, 2020), a program known as "Do You M.I.N.D?" suits to help youths learn how to cope with the bullying . 

This program uses innovative ways to equip youths with the necessary skills through adventure-based experiential learning, counselling, support groups and virtual reality immersive experience.


source: TOUCH community services Facebook (2018).

"DO you M.I.N.D?" (TOUCH, 2020) helps youths learn how to cope better with the bullying by....

  • teaching youths how to deal with stress caused by bullying 

  • teaching youths how to defend themselves by adopting good coping habits through counselling

  • placing them in support groups to learn how to manage issues that are affecting their life from other youths as well as the social workers

  • Give youths the support and words of encouragement they need 

SINGAPORE CHILDREN'S SOCIETY- YOUTH SERVICES (Singapore children's society, 2018).

having a sense of safety 


The aim of this Youth service is to nurture and inspire youths through various activities (Singapore Children's Society, 2018)

The Singapore Children' s society (2018) provides value-adding care to youths through their programmes. 

Under this youth service, Project CABIN (Singapore children's society, 2018) is a secondary school based drop-in service which allows youth workers to reach out to youths more effectively.

CABIN provides a safe place for youths to hang out after school hours by enjoying facilities such as table soccer or engaging in meaningful conversation with the social workers on duty



Source: Singapore Children's society website (2020) & Facebook (2018). 

Sunbeam Friends Club(Singapore children's society, 2018)  is another program that brings fun and joy to youths through healthy, creative and constructive activities. For example, badminton and blind mice. 

Youths are able to engage in indoor and outdoor activities together with other youths like them from other schools. Allowing them to enjoy themselves without worrying about being harmed by them. 

This gives youths a chance to make new friends, building up their support. 

There will be staff and volunteers conducting the activities, keeping a look out for the safety and well being the youths. 


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